Members-only pages in this part of the website are available only to active, dues-paying members of the Society. If you are an active member and do not have access to these pages, please notify the Secretary that you do not have access and instructions will be sent to you.

View the members-only pages using the links below (you will be redirected to the login screen if you are not already logged in):

  1. Current Roster of Society members
  2. Grand Roster of members who joined after incorporation of the Society in 1880
  3. In Memoriam, obituaries of members who have died after 1999
  4. Profile Update, a form for making corrections to Current Roster contact information

If you would like to choose your own password instead of using the one automatically created for you, please visit the Reset Password/Lost Password page and enter your username or email in the box; a password reset email will be sent to you.

New England Society in the City of Brooklyn engraved banner